Yeshua's House Christian Fellowship


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Please read this through to the end.
If you are discouraged, be encouraged.

  If you are in a slump and feeling down or depressed, ask yourself why. First though, you need to make a covenant with God and yourself to be completely honest. if you are not honest with yourself, then healing can not begin and this will be a waste of time. Once you have made the decission to be honest you need to follow these steps.

1) Pray and invite the Holy Spirit into your life. 2) Pray and ask God to reveal the cause of your situation. 3) Listen for His answer. 4) Accept His answer. 5) Follow His directions on how to change

Many times we become stagnant in life because we have accepted the situation we are in and made depression, negativism, etc. a part of us and our life. We have the power through Jesus Christ to change and make changes in our life, we have the power and the blessing of God to prosper. Jesus wants you to get out of the negative situation you are in and walk in life, accept His hand and allow Him to lead you unto holiness and into a life that is prosperous as well as rewarding.

Jesus Christ is the King of kings, He can give you life, not just mere existence.

Self pitty will keep you stagnant. Do you want to live a stale and stagnant life that leads to merely exsiting? Or do you want to LIVE? The choice is yours and yours alone, make the right decission, come to Jesus, accept His will for your life and LIVE.


God Bless Canada- The true North Strong and Free, from the Pacific to the Atlantic through our North west Passage to our high Arctic and to the  border on our south